Meningitis can strike at any time and within hours it can result in lifelong disability or death.
Meningitis Relief Canada (MRC) is a not-for-profit charitable organization. At Meningitis Relief, we provide free counseling services and financial grants to individuals and families afflicted by the disease, in order to help them rebuild their lives.
Vaccines are the only preventative measure against meningitis, however, it is important to note, that there is no vaccine to protect against all strains of meningitis, therefore knowing the signs and symptoms are of critical importance.

Our Vision is to improve the lives of individuals and families afflicted by the complications of meningitis by providing means to heal and rebuild.
Our Mission
To educate and raise awareness of meningitis amongst the public and healthcare professionals in order to prevent death and disability from the disease. For meningitis, time is of the essence, early detection and treatment are critical to a full recovery.
To provide grief and bereavement counseling, financial
assistance and support services to
individuals affected by meningitis in Canada. As meningitis can
devastate families and communities, we aim to improve the quality of
care for individuals affected by the disease.
The Confederation of Meningitis Organisations Inc. (CoMO) is an international member organisation dedicated to preventing meningitis worldwide because ‘we can and we should’.
CoMO brings together patient groups, health professionals and organisations, meningitis survivors and families from more than 25 countries worldwide to help prevent meningitis through:
• Raising public awareness of meningitis through education.
• Advocating for meningitis vaccines to be available to families worldwide.
• Connecting and resourcing a strong global network of members who make sure their communities have access to meningitis information and support.
For more information about the Confederation of Meningitis Organisations visit www.comoonline.org

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News Release: April 23, 2015 - World Meningitis Day
MRC 2nd Annual Family Day Picnic Fundraiser - August 16, 2014
Brampton Guardian: April 30, 2014 - Brampton Charity Joins Anne Geddes in Meningitis Awareness Event
News Release: April 24, 2014 - World Meningitis Day
News Release: February 26, 2014 - Meningitis Vaccine Available to Canadian Health Care Practitioners
OMNI News: February 12, 2014 - Meningitis Awareness
CHCH News: January 16, 2014 - Mother’s Intuition Saves Son
News Release: December 10, 2013 - Health Canada Approves New Meningitis Vaccine